Sunday, April 17, 2016

Historic Gallipolis home falls to the ground in favor of expanded business

Watching the John Gee house tumble to the ground to make room for a larger Speedway gas station/convenience story left me with conflicting feelings.
I love history and dislike watching history erased in favor of the almighty dollar. On the other hand, who the heck was John Gee and why was he so important to local history.
Why was this house so special? He is said to have built several other structures in and around the city of Gallipolis. He was a mulatto – a mixture of African American and Caucasian – who was a skilled craftsman, builder and philanthropist. He was also a former slave purportedly born to a U.S. President, William Henry Harrison, according to local historians and preservationists, although no evidence can be found linking Gee to Harrison.
The Gee house has been an eyesore for quite some time. Countless families had lived in the house since it was built sometime between 1925-1840. Local records are not complete enough to pinpoint an exact year. The last family to live in the house at the former 809 Second Avenue home moved out several months ago, leaving a pile of debris and allowing the rats and termites to take over what the humans had not been able to destroy.
Despite the condition of the home, local preservationists attempted to save it. They wanted to move it to another location. Their efforts were too late as permits and funding couldn’t be secured in time.
As for shooting video, the demolition crew allowed me inside the fence as long as I wore a hard hat and reflective clothing as a mandatory condition. Because I am also with the news media, the site foreman –from Dayton, Ohio – said I could roam anywhere I wished and take photos/video from whatever angle I needed. I just needed to stay away from the moving heavy equipment and falling bricks and other debris.
I managed to capture about 40 video clips and 200-plus photos of the house in various stages of demolition. It was exciting to capture an aging house falling to the ground as this, in itself, was local history that is sure to be preserved.
The most difficult portion of this assignment was obtaining still photos of Gee, his mother and Harrison. I was most fortunate that the Gallia County Historical Society had these rare items and allowed me to make digital copies for use in my video. I also managed to incorporate a map I created, thanks to a previous assignment about infographics and “other cool stuff.” This helped me fill a block of time as an overlay piece in the middle of the video.
My video is shorter than two minutes, mainly because my guest, Lora Snow, a local historian and preservationist, rambled on about the oral history of Gee.
Probably the most interesting aspect of this man was he worked on the Underground Railroad. It is not known if the now-demolished house ever served as a “safe house” for runaway slaves, but Gee – being a former slave – could easily look across the Ohio River (he owned much land in Gallipolis at the time) and see what was then Virginia, a slave state.
Looking across the river in 2016 from that spot, it is now West Virginia, which didn’t officially become a state until 1864. So one must consider Gee to be an amazing man for his time: a former slave who owned swaths of land in full view of a slave state; he ran an Underground Railroad operation near the Ohio River in free territory while dodging bounty hunters and the like.
It was sad to see the house destroyed, but bricks from the home have been saved for the creation of a monument on Speedway property that will recognize Gee.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Interactive media assignment inspires look at the past, as well as the future

     I can't decide which was more tedious.
     Putting together the interactive map via MapQuest's intuitive - and free - map-maker was fun to play with, but I was hoping to be able to interchange the map pins. I used generic map pins to mark the schools throughout Gallia County. There was a map pin available with the graduation cap symbol, but that pin was only available in blue.
     One of the requirements of this assignment was to change the colors of each pin, so I went with the generic pins and the ease of color change. Here is what I came up with:

     An online interactive map of all schools in Gallia County, Ohio Map of Gallia County, Ohio, schools
     The creation of the survey was a bit more repetitious than tedious as I was attempting to remember how course surveys are constructed. Reflecting back on surveys I took take as an undergrad in New Mexico – and the course surveys I take now at Kent State, this is what I came up with:
      The most fun, and most tedious of them all, was the timeline presentation. I tried all three services presented to us in the class assignment, and all three had their quirks. I went with tiki-toki because it seemed less complicated than the other two. Here is what I came up with:

Civil War ancestor timeline - An infographic by the team at Timeline of Cornelius J. Vanderboegh, Civil War veteran

     I had fun with this one as I was able to obtain family photographs of my Civil War ancestor – his mug shot, a photo of his gravestone, a shot of his regiment and an overall shot of the Confederate prison in which he was held captive. I also used a couple of battlefield photographs from the National Park Service to denote the two battle in which he participated before falling captive to the South.
     I am probably most proud of this interactive creation for the fact that it hits close to home. The timeline really brings his war experience – and life – into a better perspective for me.
     There was so much more I could have done with this, but there is also so much more I do not know about his story. Just obtaining the mug shot and photo of his gravestone – which is in Michigan, about an eight-hour drive for me from my present location – was a bit of a chore.